I have been attempting to run for the past couple of weeks. Before my runs I make sure to stretch and warm up. I thought I was just sore over the week and was pushing myself through every run. Gradually my runs got slower and slower. Today I couldn't even really get to a jog. It was more of a bouncy walk. I had to stop and…
It's been two years since I've had my son and after realizing I was living in elastic waist pants and over sized t-shirts I'm ready to shed these pounds. Not to mention I look like a fluffy bunny in my wedding photos. My husband left for boot camp a few weeks ago and I know he is going to come back in the best shape of his…
Please give me encouraging words. Will this extra weight go away? Can I make this "mothers apron" shrink to nothingness? I feel like I'm taking on an insurmountable task.
I've looked, and maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but I want to find a protein I can put in a shake to have after I work out. I am currently nursing and all the powders/liquids I've seen have taurine or some other crap in them that really discourage me from using them while breastfeeding. Anyone know of something I can…
I've been using the iPhone app for a while now and decided it's time to start really using it every day. I'm currently working toward a pretty hefty goal (75lbs.) so any pointers would be great. I want to be at least well on my way to fit by January. I've been surprised with a cruise and I wanna look my best on the beach.…