Thank you everyone for the insight. I will be resting and icing my legs and seeing someone about my gait. Shoes too! Hopefully I can fix this soon, I want to get back out there asap!
The pain begins toward the bottom of my leg on the inside and radiates up to my knees. It is a dull ache through out the day, but even if I try to run after my son just a few steps I get a jarring pain in my lower legs that doesn't subside for at least an hour. I didn't think it was shin splints because when I massage the…
I'm on Week 2 Day 3 of couch to 5k. I do it Mon, Wed, and Fri. I try to cycle on the weekends.
I will be watching this now...but only if Ashton appears in every episode nude.
Videogames, star wars, comic books, anime, and anything to do with transformers.
yes. Dr. Who is also a good one. I know it was suggested already...but I wanted to go ahead and vote for it again. :)
You look great! Way to go!
- have a butt now. That's way worth losing 75lbs for! (I remember when I lost enough weight to say I have a butt...) :) Keep up the awesome work. You'll get to your goal in no time!
Fantastic diet. But I modernize it a bit. But I stick with the basics of the diet. I've had great success with it.
Welcome! I've also got a youngin' and am tired of using the excuse of, "I don't have time." Currently a full time nursing student and single mom, I've found time to work out so now I have to! Friend me if you'd like. :)
Fresh out of the shower with a towel around his waist, or in jeans and a semi tight tee shirt. Barefoot.
Like the previous posts have said, there is nothing "bad" about carbs. Now, there are better carbs that you should consume in moderation (like 100g/day) and these are mainly your fiberous carbs. Foods like beans, legumes, whole grains, and veggies. Those are mainly complex carbs. Simple carbs are what you really shouldn't…
I guess I want to clarify. My recipe is for Shrimp Creole served over grits. My bad. I thought that was kinda the same thing. Lol! Sorry.
I wanna have another baby. I wanna learn how to blow glass. I wanna look as pretty on the outside as I do on the inside.
I'm at odds with the shows on t.v. I really can't put any stock in them for my own personal beliefs. I do believe there are paranormal activities (lulz...horrible movie) out there, but I am yet to experience any.
Do you have a carb count?
OMG! I made this two days ago! It is pretty healthy except for the cream and butter. Sub in skim milk and margarine and you have the healthy version. Instead of serving with cheesy grits try just margarine grits with a light dash of Tony's. 2 Tbs. margarine (this is subbed for butter) 1 Cup diced trinity (onions, bell…
Yes ma'am. Youtube it. :) Specifically - Mazda Miata Drifting Although I haven't in quite some time. Stopped when I got pregnant and haven't since.
New Orleans! Party all night!
I can solve those ring/string puzzles very quickly I can bend my thumb behind my hand and fold all fingers on top of one another I can drift cars
I am very partial to filigree my self. I love the girlyness of it. I know tattoos can be super expensive so my piece was a mini goal for me about a year and a half ago. I think you should go for it. If it is something you really want you will love it forever. Sometimes I just like to stare at mine. LOL! Here's what my…
Tigers just snacked on some duck... WHO'S NEXT?!
Make skittles vodka!
Not dumb at all. You seem confident and proud of your progress.
A new PS3 controller.
As long as you don't look like you are trying to attract attention for wrong reasons I think it's fine. If you want to wear a cute shirt that might be from a store geared toward someone a decade younger than you, who gives a ****. You rock that shirt and you rock it proudly!
You've got the 1up, I've got Starman and the Triforce... Lets be friends?
Collar bone area, back of knees, inner thighs, top of feet, lower back... this is a bad question to ask a nympho. ;)
If you aren't hungry then I'd say no, don't eat unless you are lacking in nutrients essential to your daily intake.
You look amazing!... and I am a huge fan of the shirt. :D