


  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    A girl I graduated high school with was on Paranormal State for awhile. :)

    I believe in it, but haven't experienced it. I love watching the shows about haunted places and haunted hotels.. Makes me want to go there so I can have the sheets ripped off of me at night!

    Now anything about aliens? FORGET IT. I won't sleep for a month.. Abduction scares the everliving *kitten* out of me.

    ..Sorry for sounding crazy. Haha.

    **shivers** aliens haha i don't like alien stuff

    Watch 'The Fourth Kind'.

    Seriously lol.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Too many weird things have happened to me (and my daughter) to totally dismiss the possibility that there are mysteries out there that cannot be explained by science.

    I lurve ghosthunters.

    I think there are probably more fake psychics out there than real ones.

  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    I'm at odds with the shows on t.v. I really can't put any stock in them for my own personal beliefs.

    I do believe there are paranormal activities (lulz...horrible movie) out there, but I am yet to experience any.
  • Tuffjourney
    I love watching paranormal shows. I am a true believer. I personally have had several experiences.If I didnt have those experiences, I am not sure I would be a believer. But, now I have no doubt.

    I wouldnt try to convince anyone. I actually rarely ever talk about it. It is very personal.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    for me I believe in the paranormal, i have had a few experinces. I enjoy most shows, fake or not its nots a big deal to me, as long as its entertaining and is thought proviking then its worth it.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    A girl I graduated high school with was on Paranormal State for awhile. :)

    I believe in it, but haven't experienced it. I love watching the shows about haunted places and haunted hotels.. Makes me want to go there so I can have the sheets ripped off of me at night!

    Now anything about aliens? FORGET IT. I won't sleep for a month.. Abduction scares the everliving *kitten* out of me.

    ..Sorry for sounding crazy. Haha.

    **shivers** aliens haha i don't like alien stuff

    Watch 'The Fourth Kind'.

    Seriously lol.

    No!!! I watched it during the day so I wouldn't be spooked, or so I thought..

    I could not sleep in my own bed. I lived with my brother at the time and I was sleeping on the couch at night for a week with QVC on.. It was the only way I could get a max of 4-5 hours per night. He asked me one day, "Uhm, Erin.. When are you going to start sleeping in your room again?" and I said, "Dan.. Let me handle this.. If I am still on the couch in two weeks, I will seek help. But for now, just let me be!"

    Then after I moved to my Mom's for a short period of time, it got much worse. I was sleeping in her finished attic, and there were windows EVERYWHERE. I slept right next to them, and all I could think was, "It would be so easy for them to take me!!"

    I am currently doing much better. I seriously considered seeing a therapist.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    A girl I graduated high school with was on Paranormal State for awhile. :)

    I believe in it, but haven't experienced it. I love watching the shows about haunted places and haunted hotels.. Makes me want to go there so I can have the sheets ripped off of me at night!

    Now anything about aliens? FORGET IT. I won't sleep for a month.. Abduction scares the everliving *kitten* out of me.

    ..Sorry for sounding crazy. Haha.

    **shivers** aliens haha i don't like alien stuff

    Watch 'The Fourth Kind'.

    Seriously lol.

    Yeah, that movie totally scared me. LOL
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    The only one I watch is "Ghost Hunters". The rest are so fake it's boring! Ghost Hunters actually been in my hometown a couple times.
  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    i once had a friend who thought she was hearing ghosts in her house. then one day she came to me and said she actually saw one of them. she continued telling me ghost stories for a year or so.

    she had made a weegie board to try talking to them. i was at her house one year the night before halloween when we decided to take it out with a few friends. we asked a bunch of personal questions, and ill never forget the feeling i got when our hands began moving together on the weegie board answering our questions correctly. i was so freaked out i tried to pull my hand of the cursor but they were stuck. i could actually feel something holding my hand to it.

    im not a big believer in ghosts, but i never say im a non believer cause i remember what i felt that night and i will never deny feeling it.
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    I'm fascinated but scared to death at the same time. I believe in paranormal. I believe there are good and bad spirits and I often ask for a white light of protection through which nothing negative can penetrate (and I haven't actually had a paranormal experience).

    I would so like to communicate with my mom who has passed but I'm afraid at the same time. I think she knows that too and wont come until she knows I can handle it.
  • heidiann200
    Oh I definately believe.....i'm very open minded and too many people have seen to many things for there not to be something to it. I bought an old farm house and the man that owned it before me killed himself in front of the family. I have seen him and even smelled his pipe.....I described him later to one of his daughters and she said i was right is a scary thing to go through....
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I grew up in a very haunted house. Nearly everyone that came to the house had some sort of experience. But they were never negative experiences. With the exception of having trouble sleeping in one room of the house. I can tell you they were kids and they were playful.
    My mom used to always call out in response like my brother or I had called to her first. We used to joke that she was crazy. Then one day I was home alone with her and I heard someone call out 'mom'. She leaned into the hall and said 'yes'. I was like oh wow I didn't call you but I heard it that time.
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Love it! Have had several experiences including living in a "haunted" house- My roommate and i saw them a lot. Its soooo fascinating!
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm fascinated but scared to death at the same time. I believe in paranormal. I believe there are good and bad spirits and I often ask for a white light of protection through which nothing negative can penetrate (and I haven't actually had a paranormal experience).

    I would so like to communicate with my mom who has passed but I'm afraid at the same time. I think she knows that too and wont come until she knows I can handle it.

    You should try an open seance... Sounds creepy but local groups will hold one and its usually about $10 and if there is a message out there for you it will come- i had one and didnt even know it
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I actually like watching Ghost Hunters, whether it's real or not. I have never had an experience, but i like to get my imagination running and then spook me out. I also like going to haunted houses.
  • justdance311
    I love watching paranormal shows. They fascinate me, but one thing I hate about them is the music in the background. I would prefer to just listen to the people on the show. When they stop talking then the music gets louder, and it becomes hard to hear any paranormal noises. By the way, I've had some paranormal activity in my own house. Sometimes it scares the crap out of me.
  • jalmond27
    I have honestly had to many to list it would take me hours! I used to go on the hunt for these type things. I have seen, experienced and heard some very unexplainable things.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Never experienced it myself, but my friend told me a story about how his father was very sick in the hospital, he was at homecsleeping on the couch when he was awakened by a blue orb floating in the room, he said e knew then that his father has passed, soon the phone rang, his mom answered it, it was the hospital calling to say his Dad had died.
  • TiffanyA2008
    I choose not to mess with the whole demonic stuff.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Anyone like watching shows about paranormal?
    Any experiences?
    I have a hard time with the shows on tv figuring out what is fake/not lol!
    But have always been open "spiritually"

    Here's a handy tip for helping sort out the fake / not shows.

    If it's a show about the paranomal, it's fake.

    A+ reply. That's like a Jimmy Carr quote I love, something along the lines of: "Here's a tip to figure out if your house is haunted: It isn't."

    In any case, I don't believe in the paranormal.