What is/are your hidden talent(s)??



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I can dance while running (it really annoys my running group)
    I can make balloon animals, my boys have a constant supply of swords to fight with
    I have learned to fall gracefully because it happens so much...maybe I should stop dancing when I run :tongue:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I can dance while running (it really annoys my running group)
    I can make balloon animals, my boys have a constant supply of swords to fight with
    I have learned to fall gracefully because it happens so much...maybe I should stop dancing when I run :tongue:

    LOVE your before and afters in your profile picture!!

    So do you run like Phoebe from Friends? LOL...full cardio workout that way! HA! Awesome about the ballooon animals! That's a total hidden talent! My friend was a clown for Halloween last year and mastered making penis balloons. It probably won't get him as far as your amazing swords. :laugh:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I actually had to sit back and think about this question. So I'm gonna go with what my wife tells (NAGS) me on a regular basis, cause she seems to be obsessed with the following abilities that I possess:

    1.) The varieties at which I swear in the English language
    2.) that nothing ever bothers me or stresses me out
    3.) that she saw me salute once and realized I was REALLY a "soldier"
    4.) that I never fall down (she is a bit on the accidental-prone side)
    5.) that I show no emotion. In her words "you are frozen inside" haha
    6.) that I can bbq and operate the gas-grill (because they have the potential to blow up?)
    7.) that food is the defining source of happiness in my life
    8.) the excessive amount of weapons I have in the closet
    9.) how irate I am behind the wheel of a vehicle
    10.) that I know more about her own country's (Japan) history, than she does

    Hang on, how can you have #2, #5 and #9? Isn't being irate in a vehicle both a stress thing as well as a showing of emotion? :tongue:

    #11 that I am a walking contradiction.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    I can solve those ring/string puzzles very quickly
    I can bend my thumb behind my hand and fold all fingers on top of one another
    I can drift cars
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I can solve those ring/string puzzles very quickly
    I can bend my thumb behind my hand and fold all fingers on top of one another
    I can drift cars

    drift cars?
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I have wings! :laugh: I can make my shoulder blades stick out from my back- making me look like I'm growing wings...

    That & other "double jointed" talents....
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I can fix just about anything.
  • Darcey1965
    @xsargex: And most definitely a choleric temperament. Gen. Patton was a choleric/melancholic.

    Ladies, when I was young and thin like you, I could bend every which way and often did: thumb to wrist, feet tucked behind the knees [like an American Indian in the movies only both feet tucked down in] and then did backwards and forwards somersaults, foot behind my head. Now at 63, I have arthritis in my knees and wrists. :grumble:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I have wings! :laugh: I can make my shoulder blades stick out from my back- making me look like I'm growing wings...

    That & other "double jointed" talents....

    Oh, I totally forgot people could do that!!! THAT'S talent.

    Carl - wanna come over and take a look at our shed roof? Tornado blew it off in June and my husband STILL has not fixed it. LOL.

    Darcey1965 - my friend, Jenny, can do that (feet behind head) and she sings a song and spanks herself. It really is a show stopper and puts my "hands behind my back picking up a bottle of beer with my elbows" trick to shame. :ohwell:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I can dance while running (it really annoys my running group)
    I can make balloon animals, my boys have a constant supply of swords to fight with
    I have learned to fall gracefully because it happens so much...maybe I should stop dancing when I run :tongue:

    LOVE your before and afters in your profile picture!!

    So do you run like Phoebe from Friends? LOL...full cardio workout that way! HA! Awesome about the ballooon animals! That's a total hidden talent! My friend was a clown for Halloween last year and mastered making penis balloons. It probably won't get him as far as your amazing swords. :laugh:

    I only wish I looked half as good as Phoebe while running :laugh:
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I like to talk in accents. I can do Valley girl spot on--my mother got a kick out of it.
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    I can solve those ring/string puzzles very quickly
    I can bend my thumb behind my hand and fold all fingers on top of one another
    I can drift cars

    drift cars?

    Yes ma'am. Youtube it. :) Specifically - Mazda Miata Drifting Although I haven't in quite some time. Stopped when I got pregnant and haven't since.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I can solve those ring/string puzzles very quickly
    I can bend my thumb behind my hand and fold all fingers on top of one another
    I can drift cars

    drift cars?

    Yes ma'am. Youtube it. :) Specifically - Mazda Miata Drifting Although I haven't in quite some time. Stopped when I got pregnant and haven't since.

    Oh, fun!!! That is talent for sure!!!!

    And sobriquet01 - I love it when people can do accents - too funny!:laugh:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    @xsargex: And most definitely a choleric temperament. Gen. Patton was a choleric/melancholic.

    Ladies, when I was young and thin like you, I could bend every which way and often did: thumb to wrist, feet tucked behind the knees [like an American Indian in the movies only both feet tucked down in] and then did backwards and forwards somersaults, foot behind my head. Now at 63, I have arthritis in my knees and wrists. :grumble:

    I had to google that *kitten* cause I wans't sure what the definitions were. After further review, I tend to agree with maybe a slight case
    of Phlegmatic temperament as well. Just the fact that you put myself in the same statement as Gen Patton, makes me blush. The only draw back is, I'm not a leader. Maybe a good teacher or mentor, but I have no desire to lead anyone.