Dressing "age appropriate", what do you think?



  • Redbella
    Redbella Posts: 58 Member
    I personally think people should dress their "size" more than their age. Because nowadays people look a lot better than they used to because their care more about that stuff. Between all the exercise, hydrating right, our beauty regimens, and plastic surgery its hard to even judge someones age anymore. I know a 59 yr old yoga instructor that is still gorgeous. She has the best skin and looks great in a skirt. I just dont want to see a real heavy person (myself included) in a bikini. But if u have a body and u like bikins than do it!
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    How is there even rules to dressing when we have people that dress in meat. If you have a body you are proud off and you want to wear something that makes you feel good then wear it. If you want to wear a superman teeshirt and you are a grown up then wear it. Who says that dressing up to be fun and make yourself feel good has to limited to children. Dress for you and smile.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    I don't think Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, etc. would NOT wear bikini! They have the body for it, so why not? Now, if you are over 50-60 and you have let yourself go, then bikinis may not be a good choice. I think you need to wear what you like and it's comfortable, but that also looks good on you.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I say where what you feel comfortable in and what makes you feel good about yourself.
  • jlowensby
    agree 100% with dress with your personality not age...if you are able to pull off the look....Go for it~~~
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I'm 26 and look like I'm about 14; I have no idea how I'm supposed to dress.
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    As long as you don't look like you are trying to attract attention for wrong reasons I think it's fine. If you want to wear a cute shirt that might be from a store geared toward someone a decade younger than you, who gives a ****. You rock that shirt and you rock it proudly!
  • jendra11339
    I think women should dress their age, but I don't think that means women over any particular age should unilaterally avoid certain items. I think a 35 or 40 yr old can tastefully wear a bikini or mini-skirt, but I've also seen plenty who can't! One of best friends has a great figure at age 40, but wears minis she's had since college. Her feeling is that the cuts and washes have come back in style; however, they are only really in style for teens NOT for grown women. I would fully support her wearing a new mini skirt purchased at a store that makes clothes for grown ups.

    If you have it going on and want to wear a mini skirt or whatever then go for it! However, it should be a mini skirt from the women's section not the teens! It is also about balance- you pick a body area you want to show off: back, legs, or chest/arms.
    I love watching What Not to Where, because they give the best advice. It's about wearing the clothes, not letting the clothes wear you. I am sure Helen Mirren was rocking a bikini meant for a woman- not a teen.
  • PinkZeppelin
    If Lady Gaga can wear meat costumes and pretty much anything else, so are you.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    OMG I hate the hair length "rule" too. What about those of us from different cultures were women are "supposed" to have long hair? My grandma had waist length hair until she passed at 90.
    I keep mine shoulder length or a bob because I'm lazy.
    As for clothes, I won't wear those shirts with the weird sayings, but I did get a plaid shirt at Hollister today. Oh well. This is why I'm glad I live in California.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    IMO, older women (like me) can rock younger, trendier accessories, or one item of clothing, if the rest of the outfit is more age-appropriate and our hair and make up don't date us or age us by being either terribly out of style or too youthful.

    We don't have to give it all up, just use it judiciously. Wear clothes that fit well and be sure to rock the shorts and tank tops if you have a killer bod for your age (and no tell-tale spider veins or cellulite!)

    And grown women shouldn't wear middle school age boy's clothes...that's just wrong. Unless you're shredding at the skate park, lol.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I think you should dress to fit your personality, not your age.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    It's interesting to me that so many people are stating that you should only show skin if you have a fit body--even at the pool. When I went on vacation to Curacao almost everyone at the resort was either Dutch or Venezualian and it was immediately apparent that they didn't have the same body image issues we Americans have. With the exception of the 3 or 4 American women, all of the women wore 2 piece suits regardless of age or weight. Now mind you, I'm not saying they were all in string bikinis, but all wore 2-pieces, and most of the Venezualian women wore thongs regardless of their body types.

    In contrast, we Americans wore maillots, tankinis, or skirted suits and "cover-ups" to and from the pool/beach. In fact, by the 3rd day or so, I quit wearing my cover up b/c I felt so out of place in it. It was very freeing to realize that no one seemed to be judging my jiggly thighs or flabby arms--the general consensus seemed to be that we were at the beach and people show skin at the beach even if it's not always pretty. I'm not saying I was ready to don a thong, :tongue: but I was much more comfortable in a bathing suit among that crowd than I've ever been at an American beach.
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    whats the difference between a mini skirt in the "teen" section and one from the "grown up" section. a mini skirt is a mini skirt. if it looks good and you feel good, wear it. fashion rules are ridiculous. obviously a grown woman shouldnt wear a mini skirt to say a job interview... but otherwise, wear what suits you at the right time.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I agree with those rules. Clothing stores advertise to certain age groups for a reason. And there comes a point when one can't be taken seriously when they're dressed like they're 25 but much older then 25. With that being said I believe there is also a happy medium. A lot of the time women will either dress incredibly young or too old for them. If you still got it going on I agree you should show that 100% but in clothing that is more suited for your age.

    I kind of agree with this. I think after a certain point some outfits can look really tacky. I like clothes from hot topic, I still have my full plaid mini skirt & corset outfit...but I also have 9 year old "tween" who I would completely embarrass if I wore that around the house or to a school function, or really, it would look bad on me at the grocery store. But to a KORN concert or in the bedroom...well then...I think its totally appropriate at either. I kind of think that's where the line starts getting crossed...I'm seen some people (at least in their 30's if not older) walking around Safeway in the same outfit I've seen on my friends high school daughter...it just looks bad.

    I think this before & after from what not to wear is a decent example.

  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    omg i saw that article too xD I actually commented on it and was like, "wtf!" because they were saying stuff such as "don't wear hair accessories after 25" and "don't wear anything with lace or pretty ribbons after 30" and of course, stupid bikini things and shorts thing "don't wear bikinis or shorts after 35. If you want to wear a swimsuit, wear a one piece. If you want to wear shorts, wear the soccer mom ones that go down to your knees *no offense to anyone who likes these xD*"


    I would suggest just being your own person! Obviously there are things I agree with such as "don't wear Juicy Couture tracksuits with 'juicy' written on your butt" ... but i don't think that looks good on anyone of any age...although I could care less if someone walks around with that on lol

    It is your life. ^.^ I know I am only 21, but I have worn Louis Vuitton since I was 15 (maybe too young to some people), and plan to wear it forever haha. I also still wear my school uniform skirt (too old) because it is cute and comfy haha.

    I personally think Gap or Old Navy paid to have that article written. :P They want us all to look like someone from their commercials :P

    As for what ppl think of you dressing "younger" than your age...hmmm...if someone doesn't want to be your friend because you buy clothes from a certain store, why would you want them as a friend anyways? I can understand if your outfits are REALLY out there (like walking around in diapers, dressed like a crip/blood, or wearing lingerie in public)...but Hollister and Hot Topic are totally A-ok.

    so ^.^ I hope this helps!!!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    whats the difference between a mini skirt in the "teen" section and one from the "grown up" section. a mini skirt is a mini skirt. if it looks good and you feel good, wear it. fashion rules are ridiculous. obviously a grown woman shouldnt wear a mini skirt to say a job interview... but otherwise, wear what suits you at the right time.

    I totally agree with this btw. Its all a marketing gimmick. I still shop the CHILDRENS section, and have never been accused of wearing too-young clothes...because it looks just like adult clothing, just smaller (I'm short) and much cheaper. <.<
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I recently came across an article on yahoo Shine regarding women dressing according to their age. It said that after 35 one shouldn't wear bikini's and miniskirts. Also, certain brands were taboo.
    Now, in my case, I'm 35 and in the best shape of my life. In addition, I tend to look a bit younger than my age. I'm also a bit eccentric and so I wear Hollister and shop in Hot Topic at times (they have cool band t's sometimes).
    I personally think those "rules" are bull****.
    What do ya'll think?
    If it looks good, wear it..unless of course your trying to rock pigtails and a babydoll dress...cause no one looks good in those.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    b0ll0cks to it. im 35 and i have bikinis and short dresses/skirts and i think i can still get away with it. one of my favourite dresses ive had since i was 16
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    Unless you look like you belong on the website peopleofwalmart.com then your good to go! My wife looks badass in a bikini and she is 40! Me not so much....