Hi All, I just wanted to say hello. I'm a former fitness freak who fell off the wagon when my husband committed suicide 1.5 years ago. I ended up gaining 20 lbs in a blink... It's funny how they sneak up on you when your depressed- creatures of pray. I didn't really even notice it (too busy being in a fog) until I noticed…
I always set goals around a specific event or item. For me, a hard DATE that can't be changed is important to keep me on track and motivated. My short term goal is to look good in this one pair of jeans I own by May 26th. What is May 26? It's the Bottle Rock Music Festival in Napa. I want to feel good in my own skin and…
I've been a low carber for years and have gotten it down... from atkins to fat fasts, paleo and keto- let's just say I know the ins and outs of all of them. So, I decided to go on a 2-week atkins induction last Friday to kick start my weight loss and curb the cravings (just came back from Mexico and all I want is chips and…