So, I lost my name badge and had to get it replaced. I got the thing over a year ago when I was at my highest weight and had just started at my current job. Normally, if you lose your badge they charge you $10. Well, I mentioned that I had lost a lot of weight and asked if they would like to take a new photo for that…
I'm not sure what thread this belongs in, but I am not overly fond of the new website so far. Anyone know how to find your recent topics? It doesn't appear to be in the little "bar" above the forums like it was before. Any help would be appreciated.
My profile picture documents the change pretty adequately. Also, I lost 6 lbs before joining MFP so my "ticker" is off by that much. Some changes I've noticed: 1. I'm not in constant pain from carrying around my weight anymore. Arthritis? Gone. 2. I actually enjoy, and look forward to, working out. It really helps with my…