Today I realised that my sleeve has given me the highest weight loss I have ever achieved. About 15 years ago I lost 17 kilos (81 to 64). Piled back on and much more of course. Then about 10 years ago I lost 16 kilos (110-94) prior to a big trip. Piled back on and much much more to reach my recent high of 127.9kg. Today I…
Okay not the nicest subject but one I think we all think about in some way or another. I used to go daily. I understand that with lower calories I will move my bowels less but even though as time goes by my calorie intake is rising a bit my bowel movements are getting further apart. Right now I am on day 8 and just hoping…
I fell across a snack that fits into my daily goals but feels really indulgent. Others may do something similar. I cut one half med carrot into 6 sticks. I have one 35g tub of phii light I have two small roast pork slices (25gms, lean) I sprinkle a little amount of Italian herbs onto a plate. I dip the carrots into the…
This was something I dreamed of before my sleeve. Imagine not wanting to eat enough food? How amazing. However I am 3 weeks out, on soft foods. Following my dieticians instructions I am not getting enough calories. I am lucky to get 300 per day. I am eating low calorie foods such as minestrone soup, refried beans, soft…
For anyone looking to travel for their sleeve, be assured it can be an amazing experience. I had mine in Mumbia, India nearly 4 weeks ago. The experience was great over all. I have been to India before so no culture shock for me. The process was so thorough from the start. I had to have every test you could imagine prior…