Hey everyone, looking for buddies! :)
Hi guys! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm looking forward to chatting with like-minded people who can hopefully motivate me a little bit along the way too! A little bit about me: I'm 19 years old and I was very overweight as a child. I suffered from anorexia for a year as a young teenager before eventually turning to…
Exercise gives me bad headaches and fatigue
Hi there, I've been exercising (cycling) consistently around 2 - 5 times per week for about one a half years now. I usually workout in the late evening, somewhere between 7 and 9pm, but sometimes I get lazy by that time and give up on the idea. The obvious solution to this would be to exercise earlier in the day, however…
I was depressed, riddled with anxiety but now I'm happy
Hey everyone! :) My name's Emily; I'm from the UK and I'm 18 years old. I signed up to myfitnesspal a couple of weeks ago and whilst browsing the message boards I've noticed that the community is incredibly lovely and supportive here. Therefore I just feel like sharing my little story with you all and hopefully I'll gain a…
Buying a set of free weights
Hi everyone, I'm currently looking at alternatives to going to the gym for weight training. I've found that I can buy a barbell, dumbells and 35kg of weights for £40 to use at home. Would it be worth it? Would I be able to strength train sufficiently? I'm new to this stuff. :P thanks.
Scared of going to the gym
Hi everyone :) I'm an 18 year old girl who has always been overweight. Between the ages of around 5 and 12 I was quite badly overweight even though I was very active and cycled every day, because my parents just fed me crap and let me eat whatever I wanted. My weight didn't really bother me until I started secondary…