calorie counting abroad
I moved to South Korea a few months ago and my progress has basically reversed, due to many things, including but not limited to: still haven't bought a scale, provided lunch at work, so much rice, cheap alcohol, minimal exercise due to injury, etc. I quit counting calories because I eat a lot of things -especially at…
poor, poor college student
As the title suggests, I'm a poor college student trying to lose a little weight. I don't have a lot of time for cooking things and when I'm at home (as I am over the summer), I have a lot less control over what I can eat for the simple fact that mother buys/cooks it. I like cheap food, the problem is that often times it…
Anyone else play ultimate frisbee?
If not, you probably should, just saying (haha). For serious though, it's a great sport for getting people who hate running (i.e. me) to run and it's very cheap to play (important because I'm a college student, a poor, poor college student). If anyone else tosses disc, come talk to me.
Finally looking for friendsies
Hola ya'll, I joined a few months ago, but I'm finally getting in on the social aspect of this site because I'm not at school and thus have a little extra time for such things. I basically would like some support because I'm decided that this week I'm going to move from maintaining weight (rather than gaining it) to losing…