Who is doing keto? We should be friends. I'm on day 10 myself and every day gets easier (although I made lasagna last night for the fam and it was hard not to have some)
I'm trying to lose some weight. Add me if you like losing weight
which is hilarious because he is a tiny pommeranian. he was the runt of the litter too. so my question is this. what is the best way to prepare pommeranian? garlic and butter with maybe a little cilantro? little dude actually thinks he owns the place. cooking and eating him will show him who is the master of the house.
i've only got 10 on here, and they are pretty awesome so i would like more. hit me up if you would like someone that is supportive, funny, and good looking on your friends list. here are my credentials 1. can drink an entire gallon of milk in one sitting 2. can do at least 2 pull ups. hope to hit 3 pull ups by january 2012…
I got this ipod app a few days ago. Before that I was using the livestrong calorie counter but it didn't have as many features as this one. I really like it so far. I'm trying to lose 10 more lbs before I go to OBX at the end of May. The crazy thing about this counter is that it reduced my daily allowed calories by like…