mkennedym Member


  • I'm here. I'm 11 days in.
  • I also want a six pack
  • if you stick to losing 2 lbs a week, you might not need skin removal surgery. it is a marathon, not a sprint. you want to have long term changes in lifestyle, so take it slow but be consistent and in a year you could still lose 75-100 lbs if you lose 1.5-2 lbs a week.
    in Sup. Comment by mkennedym May 2011
  • good luck. be wary of opinionated tips on the message boards. just remember: almost no one on these boards is qualified to give you actual health related advice.
  • a message popped up? i've never seen that before. is that a new feature?
  • no. being healthy is awesome. going from unhealthy to healthy sucks. the trip and work is hard and not as "fun" as eating whatever and sitting around, but your quality of life increases exponentially with your health.
  • metabolism definitely changes from person to person. a lot of it is genetics and health level. you can improve your metabolism by exercising consistently or you can beat your metabolism (if it is slow) by eating less (in order to lose weight).
  • this guy knows what he is talking about. there is a good possibility that you are eating hte same amount of calories per day now as you were 20 lbs ago which means you lose weight slower(as you need fewer calories to maintain your weight).
  • dunno how this and the next post got double below.
  • eating more calories won't make you lose more weight than eating fewer calories.
  • but the "starvation mode" theory comes from the minnesota starvation experiment, so i think using that as a reference makes more sense than using anything else.
  • i'm going by what the scientific evidence suggests, not by what people think will or should happen. scientific studies are a lot more reliable than non scientific opinions by random people especially on "starvation mode" and what causes it.
  • generally "processed foods" are foods that have been processed in a manner that they don't spoil or go bad quickly. so any food that has preservatives or are made from ingredients with long shelf lives. not all processed food is bad, however. for instance, milk is pasteurized to kill bacteria thus it is "processed" but it…
  • btw: people who think starvation mode happens to anyone who uses a calorie restrictive diet. that isn't true. starvation mode takes severe calorie restriction for months before it begins to mess with your metabolism. in fact, despite "starvation mode" kicking in for the subjects of the minnesota starvation experiment,…
  • cheat days shouldn't be used by people unless they have a history of success. if you are just starting to lose weight, leave the cheat day for something you do 6 months or 12 months down the road when you already have lost 20 or 40 lbs. also, if you have a history of losing focus/motivation then you should definitely not…
  • don't worry about protein overages unless you are hundreds of grams over.
    in Protein Comment by mkennedym May 2011
  • i really doubt it is because you changed your goal from 1 lb per week to .5 lbs per week. it is most likely that you are just eating better. pretend there are two of you. same exact person doing two different things. the person eating fewer calories or who has the fewest net calories will lose weight faster than the other…
  • your best bet (since you feel you need to tone some areas) is start losing weight until you look exactly how you want to look. you might only be 5-10 lbs lighter, or maybe you'll surprise yourself and hit 20 lbs less and look how you want. trial and error should work for you.
  • reverse crunches aren't going to get rid of her belly fat.
  • you can't spot reduce, so you would have to continue to lose fat in order to get rid of it. if you still have fat on your body, you can keep losing weight until it disappears. then you can work on putting on some muscle. or you can eat "maintenance calories" every day and continue to work out and over time it should go…
  • i'm not trolling. i haven't said anything offensive. in fact, i'm only attempting to post the ACTUAL RULE which is to stay on topic. in fact, there is a forum specifically for writing whatever you feel like. it is at the bottom and titled "chit chat, fun, and games."
  • you are still in the green? as long as your settings are set to lose weight and you remain green (and assuming you are recording caloric intake and calorie expenditure correctly) then you lose weight.
  • you are calling me a jerk for saying a message board isn't the right venue for her to give apologies for her blog posts? this isn't her blog. the purpose of this message board is to help people lose weight and diet, not to apologize to a bunch of strangers about something she may have written in her blog.
  • just because there is a bbq you are attending doesn't mean you have to eat it. in fact, think about how great you would feel afterwards if you didn't have any. just bring a salad or something or even better, don't go. self discipline and determination are much greater than any bbq burger or hotdog.
  • welcome fellow virginian. now that you have found myfitnesspal and these boards, the weight will melt off of you.
  • since breast tissue is fat, if you get your body fat low enough i'm sure that they will shrink. your breasts just must be one of the last places that the fat is used from. however, i'm not a doctor, so you might want to go check with them.
    in Boob size Comment by mkennedym May 2011
  • can you take the baby on a walk around the neighborhood? i see mothers doing that all the time where i live. if you have bike paths or live in the suburbs and have sidewalks available, i think walking around is your best bet. [edit] i see you do take her for walks. so your best bet is to just walk longer. an hour of…
  • 6-8 hours a night is fine. as long as you get that you should be able to function.
  • you can write whatever the heck you want in your blog. although posting your apology on the message boards for everyone to see is really unnecessary. this message board is for general diet and weight loss help, and your apology isn't addressing any of that.