suggestions for exercising with baby?



  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I do everything during nap time or before he wakes up. I did the Jillian vids, P90X, Insanity all during nap time. I run in the morning. I'm beat by the end of the day so this is the only thing that works.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If you can afford it, get a better carrier.

    I loved wearing my DD and did it regularly up until about 15 months or so when she got really independent. I still wear her occasionally when she's tired and cranky and we're out running errands or when we're hiking and she's worn out. (see my profile pic)

    I can still carry my nearly 30 pound 3 year old for around an hour without back or shoulder pain. At 8 months, I could carry her a lot longer. Snugglies suck for anything over 15-20lbs. And once you've used a better carrier, you'll be amazed.

    I'd suggest an Ergo or a Beco Butterfly for the easiest carriers to learn to use. Both can be used for front and back carries and the Ergo can be used in a hip carry. I personally prefer the Beco.

    If you're a bit more ambitious you could get a Mei Tei. I think they're just as easy to use, but they look more complex. Kozy or BabyHawk are both good companies.

    If you want to see how they work before buying search youtube. There are dozens of how to videos for all kinds of carriers.

    and I'm getting off my babywearing soapbox now. I'm happy to answer any questions if you're interested.

    ETA You can get well cared for used carriers and tons of info at Also if you really want to learn it, you don't need to buy anything at all. The carrier in my profile pic is actually mt husband's long sleeve button up shirt,
  • new_mom2010
    yea, she is definitely not sleeping through the night anymore (she was until about a month ago when her seperation anxiety kicked in. now she wakes up all the time to make sure im still there), and her naps are short 30min naps now, where im usually scrambling to make dinner/clean. and i have a gym membership but they dont have a nursery.

    we do have netflicks though, so maybe i can try out a video and see if she doesn't mind watching me do them.
  • supersecretsquirrel1877
    I have to agree with most everyone else, when the kids are that little, it seems like the only time to stay on track is when they are asleep. It was hard for me to get up before them and excercise because I was tired from being up at night with kids. It seemed like the Mommy Radar kicked in and they would wake up as early as I would most days anyway. I used dvd's and would walk the local park with kids in the stroller. The cool thing about my kids being older now is they ride their bikes while I walk fast/jog. Nice to excercise as a family, those days will be around for you sooner than you can imagine. Also for dvd's if you find one you really like ( I don't have netflix so not sure on the options you have ) and want to own it, Borders online offers used dvd options if they are available. Helps with the cost a little.
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a SAHM with a 2 year old and a 4 year old (as well as a teenager). And I've been successful at dropping over 100 pounds in the last year doing many of the things the previous posters have suggested. When they both napped, I would do Wii games or a DVD. But walking and pushing the double stroller has been the main source of my exercise. My 4 year old has given up on naps so she will do Wii dance videos with me when the little guy naps. I managed to score a free stationary bike from my SIL, so I will ride that at naptime while my daughter sits in the room with me and colors, does puzzles, or watches cartoons.

    I can't afford a gym membership, so I had to make up my mind that exercise was a priority, that I was worth it, and make it work. My kids enjoy the walks, they know which houses have dogs and where we might see some wildlife. Sundays the whole family heads out on the trail, it's a great way to spend time as a family. Hopefully as your little one gets a little older the naps will get longer and you'll have more time to get in a workout and get a few chores done, for my three it was usually about a year old when they started taking two good naps a day. Awww yes, those were the days.
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    Keep walking and take the hills, that will get your heart rate up! Watch garage sales and get a comfy hiking backpack. I hike with my son (17 months old) on flat desert and up hilly trails. He weighs 30 pounds and adds great resistance! I also bike pulling him in a trailer. He loves all of these activities. I also push him in his swing and chase him around while it swings, I go under, run around wave my arms, look ridiculous:) My HRM says it's a great workout! Good luck!
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    can you take the baby on a walk around the neighborhood? i see mothers doing that all the time where i live. if you have bike paths or live in the suburbs and have sidewalks available, i think walking around is your best bet.

    i see you do take her for walks. so your best bet is to just walk longer. an hour of walking a night while pushing her stroller is plenty of exercise for you.