Order of exercises?
My boyfriend is adamant about the order cardio and weight training should be done in. He said I should do cardio for ~5 minutes to warm up, followed by whatever strength exercises I am doing for the day, and then perhaps more cardio. I can't remember his exact reasoning, but it was something about burning something…
Weight Training Books
Looking for your personal reviews/opinions on weight training books. Just bought _Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body_, and was wondering if anyone has read it. Was considering NROL, but this one was $3-4 cheaper on my kindle... Thought I'd give it a try. Does anyone follow the…
Festival / camping foods
I'm going to a festival this weekend for 4 days, and am trying to think of healthy/easy meal ideas. I go camping multiple times throughout the summer, and would like to avoid eating low quality vendor foods while doing so. I saw somebody post something similar to this a few weeks ago, but was wondering if anyone had any…
Alcoholic Drinks
Hey guys, was just wondering what type of drinks you order when you go out? I'm not a big drinker, but I do enjoy one with a meal or at a show. For instance, had two margaritas with dinner tonight, and after logging them found out that there was at least 300 calories per drink. What is your alternative drink of choice?