Carnitine Supplements
I just thought I would share this as Carnitine supplements are popular in the fitness world. A new study suggests that when bacteria break down carnitine in the intestines, the by-products may be harmful to the heart. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22042995 Something to consider.
HELP!!! Rescue my dinner (Black Beans)
Okay, so, its 4pm and I am STILL trying to cook black beans. I let them soak over night (5pm until about 11am). Then, I rinsed them and put 2 cups of beans in a pot with 10 cups of fresh water. I brought them to a boil, then reduced to a simmer for 2 hours. They were still HARD. So, I brought them to a boil and have been…
NSV - Cute workout clothes!
Can I just say how awesome it feels to be able to walk into a store and buy workout clothes off the rack? When I started my journey I was relegated to plus size stores where it was difficult to find proper workout wear. When I could find workout clothes, I usually had to special order them and they were barely affordable.…
New research: effects of extremely low calorie diets!
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine describes metabolic and endocrine effects of extreme low calorie diets (550 calories per day). You can listen to this NPR story about the research online. They do an excellent job of explaining the science.…
The importance of protein!
Great article about the importance of protein when counting calories! http://www.medpagetoday.com/PrimaryCare/DietNutrition/29029?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyHeadlines&utm_source=WC&eun=g332236d0r&userid=332236&email=kristi.beck@hotmail.com