I'm going through a divorce and all I want to do is eat. At one point I had lost a total of 100 pounds and because of the changes this divorce has brought, I find myself eating all of the time. When I first started, I didn't think I was eating that much. I've had my mind and body trained through the miracle of MFP.…
I was inspired by someone's blog post today. A few MFP'ers did a challenge with biking: Who could bike 100 miles in first! Well, I need an encouraging "fire under my butt" challenge. So I'm putting out a call for runners! I love to run but with my autoimmune issues, sometimes its hard for me to always be motivated. While…
I did an experiment this weekend to see if I could discover the answer to another question I had as a fat girl: Does food ever stop being a reward? I blogged my findings from this past weekend but I was wondering what you have discovered: Do you rely on your cheat days? Do you still look at sweets or salty treats as…