I don't want you....
... I NEED you! Hey guys, I have been a member since last year and started off great... then fell off the wagon, rolled down a bumpy hill, smacked into the relapse tree, and ended up at the bottom of Cripple Creek. So, here I am again, ready to start the new year off with some new habits! One thing that happens if you have…
A little public shaming is in order!
I find that fear is a great motivator! As such, since this is the first day of my lifestyle modification journey, I thought I would go ahead and upload my before pictures to my profile and post about them here. Things I have learned about myself through this photo essay: 1. My body type is now that of the Goblin King from…
Feeling hungry headed into dinner...
Hey guys, I think that I have had a pretty good day food wise but my stomach is CHURNING as I wait to leave the office. I am trying to satiate it with water right now but I still have about an hour to go before dinner. Can you look at my food diary and make some recommendations?…
Big Yellow Cup...
... I fill you up! Till I have to potty! Till I have to potty! You are welcome for the earworm and I hope you are all getting in your water for the day!
100 Calories worth of almonds are so filling...
... said no one ever!!!
The struggle is real y'all...
My co-workers are unwittingly trying to sabotage my lifestyle changes! I have started asking why no one ever brings in a veggie tray... although now that I think about it before I would have made fun of the guy/girl who brought in a veggie tray!
A paragon of fitness and flexibility...
.. I am not! I can't even touch my own toes! I had to hold my breath just to get down this far which caused me to nearly pass out. I would like to start doing yoga to help me be able to clip my own toenails again. I have access to the set of DDP Yoga DVDs... are they any good? What other yoga or Pilates related DVD content…
Please allow me to introduce myself...
... I'm a man of girth... and waist. I've been this fat for a long long year.... eaten many a dessert... and paste-ry! Hello All! I figured a little Rolling Stones parody would be a good way to break the ice. My name is Eric. I used to be in great shape (Marine Corps, Powerlifting, etc.) but that was a long time ago before…