I'm a big fan of podcasts and was looking for some new ones. I already listen to Smodcast, Joy the baker, Cosmetic cop, Slow runners club, Jillian Micheals, Fat to Fit club, and Inside Out weight loss. What are your favorite podcasts to listen to?
So I've always dreamed of being runner and love the results they get for weight loss. My problem is that when I try, my knees burn within 45 sec of starting. I've tried shortening my strides so I have less impact and also have tried intervals to work my way up. Does anyone think I should keep trying because my knees are…
Hi everyone! I just started Ripped in 30 by Jillian and would love to hear from anybody else also doing these workouts. Im thinking of extending every week to 2 weeks just to make it last longer and give myself time to get stronger. Let me know how your doing!