I was curious who has tried this program and at what weight did they start. I'm pretty heavy and would like to add this to my workout, but am worried about it making my knee pain worse. Any thoughts?
So far I haven't seen any of the posts for our group be about fitness. So let's start one. What are your goals and how long have you been attempting to meet them. Also, how long have you been trying?
Well damn. I don't wanna watch Equestria Girls. I don't wanna like Equestria Girls. But the songs i've heard from it so far are pretty dang good. O.o
Hello. I'm not sure if I originally found this here or somewhere else while I was wandering around the internet, but I thought i'd share anyway. http://www.twohundredsquats.com/ So basically this page gives a nice steady program to start doing and improve different exercises to bring you from the I can't do that to the I…