200 Squats Challenge

Hello. I'm not sure if I originally found this here or somewhere else while I was wandering around the internet, but I thought i'd share anyway.

So basically this page gives a nice steady program to start doing and improve different exercises to bring you from the I can't do that to the I just did 100 or 200 of that attitude. I think it seems pretty cool and I decided to add three of the exercises to my workout. The squats, pushups and situps. I suck at pushups, i'm ok at situps and my squats are pretty good. I haven't bothered with situps in a long time, so I figure this is a good push to get me back on track with them. I'm going to start with the pushups from the knee position because, well, I weigh to dang much to do it the other way. My squats are pretty good. My friend started me do as many as I can in 30 second intervals for 3 or 4 sets and although I don't do it as consistently as I should, I do ok. Usually sets of about 18-20.

Has anyone done this program? Did it work for you? Did you like it? I'm going to do it either way, but some feedback would be great. July is our kinda vacation month. All kinds of little things like conventions and birthdays that I used as excuses to not keep as on track with my fitness program as I should be. We're done with all that so it's back to no excuses world for me. I'm actually looking forward to seeing if I can improve my workouts with these additions.