I realize this is a diet/exercise/nutrition site and I'm not looking to get support for anything that is unrelated to that. In this case though, my question is relevant. I am a "former" alcoholic (by former I mean I no longer drink, and this isn't the place to quibble over terminology so I'm just trying to make it simple),…
Something I'm trying... Several years ago when I worked at a gym, a lot of us would take Redline pills before we worked out. They're not Rx, no ephedrine, and they're not "diet pills" per se, they're thermogenics, meaning they theoretically increase the number of calories you burn during a workout by raising your body…
So, like nearly every female in my age group (I'm 27), I of course get my period. Until recently though, like the past year or so, I never seemed to regularly experience what are considered to be the "typical" PMS symptoms - cramping, fatigue, moodiness, bloating, etc. For whatever reason, I now do, which is fine because…