aldenxnedla Member


  • Did I sound like I was being snarky? That was a sincere comment...
  • Good points made about bok choy and raw milk. Thanks :)
  • It's not "bad". It's just not as good as it's always been hyped up to be. Every nutrient available in high quantities in milk (which are really only calcium and vitamins A and D) are available in other foods that are better for you. The confounding factor, so to speak, in cow's milk, even if you get the skim (fat free)…
  • Now this is some serious marriage material right here. I already like this guy. I happen to be engaged to one who is just as amazing as this. I never actually asked him "Do you think I look fat?", because I already know I'm overweight (more then than I am now) and I didn't want to put him in that kind of trap. But there…
  • i did the same thing for 2 years - it's what got me to the point i am now. i went from 120lbs - 200lbs. i've lost 30 so far, but i know what you mean - i would eat the sugariest, fattiest things i could find and never be satisfied even when i knew in my mind that i was full, or at least should have been. in my case, i…
  • Well you asked for advice, this is what advice looks like. Sorry if it's not what you want to hear but it's realistic. No one's saying what she's doing is bad. We're just speaking from our own experience and saying what has worked and what hasn't. Losing weight isn't easy and it isn't quick. That doesn't mean it's…
  • Basically the same as everyone else is saying. MFP can't take every single person's dietary needs into account - it's just an average. She could just have a lower basal metabolic rate than is required to be able to lose that much weight that quickly, and 2 pounds a week is pushing towards unhealthy anyway. There are 2…
  • This is great, solid advice - literally training your body and mind to not crave something anymore has been proven time and time again as being the most effective method, because it breeds long-term and sustainable results. Sugar, of any kind, is my biggest weakness (in terms of food), and this is definitely something I'll…
  • Thanks everyone, especially Tiberius, those are all things I love to eat, I will give it a try. And yes, I do have a much happier life now, with my own self and those close to me. Thanks for the continuing support everyone! :tongue:
  • Uh, they're free...
  • Unbelievably cheap employers. I've worked at the same job for 2 years, I'm in a managerial position and have never had any disciplinary issues, and my hourly wage hasn't even gone up a whole dollar since the day I started. Needless to say I'm quitting very soon and going back to school, this was a temporary thing... But…
  • Try reading instead...
  • Thanks so much everyone! I feel better now :)
  • They're not working because they're not diet pills. Anything that claims to be a diet pill, which Wellbutrin doesn't even do, is a scam. There's no short cut to losing weight. If you do happen to lose some as a result of using drugs, you have to either keep using the drugs to keep the weight off, or gain it back when you…
  • I'm probably going to get a lot of backlash for this, especially because I'm white, but I'll take it. Racism is a serious issue, no matter what race you are. It's hurt a lot of people, some more deeply than others, and unfortunately it's never going to not exist. It's not socially, politically, or psychologically possible…
  • and to add flavor to stuff, i love olives, red peppers, jalapenos, ginger root, tomatoes, fresh garlic, fresh oregano... one thing i've been wanting to do lately is make my own pesto. all you need is basil leaves, garlic cloves, pine nuts, olive oil, and if you want, a little parmesan or romano cheese. it's not cheap, but…
  • hemp seeds and chia seeds. very healthy fats and complete proteins, and virtually tasteless, so you can mix them into ANYTHING. salads, yogurt, cereal, smoothies, rice, sandwiches... mmmmm
  • "i'll make something tomorrow" <3 wow...
  • i'll be friends :) i need a lot of motivation, i'm an "eat-my-feelings" type of person...
  • Addendum: It's also possible that you are in fact losing fat, but not weight, especially if you're exercising. When the body physically exerts itself during exercise, it releases lactic acid, which "burns" the existing muscle tissue and over time replaces it with new, tougher, scar tissue. This is, more or less, what…
  • i'm not a dietitian or anything, so what i'm going to say is purely conjecture, based on my own experience and my fair amount of knowledge. my best guess would be that your "cheat day" could be throwing you off. even though you do work off the extra calories with exercise, it may not be enough. when someone first begins…
  • hello, i am doing around the same amount :) my net daily goal is 1260, but i'm also doing fairly vigorous workouts 4-5 days a week and on those days i usually eat around 1500 calories because i burn so many. i'm new to dieting, i gained about 80 pounds over the past couple years, just going through some difficult stuff in…