Double Standard?



  • embrace_the_dark_side
    Anybody wonder what was going on with the NAACP giving this guy a lifetime achievement award? Did anyone vet this man? Truly something not be reported on and is being dismissed by the media. Racist or not they were ready to give an award to this guy.....WTF?!?

    What the media is omitting is that Leon Jenkins is a scumbag who has been disbarred from the practice of law because he's sold his office to the highest bidder.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    And here I thought we were supposed to judge each other by the content of their characters, no the color of their skin.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If this was the first time Donald Sterling said or did something racist, then one could argue that it could all have been a misunderstanding. However, Donald Sterling has a long record of not just SAYING racist things but DOING racist things. He was fined the LARGEST amount in DoJ history for housing discrimination against African American and Latino people.

    I would like to have been the fly on the wall. I do not know the specifics but in California the minorities are whites. So he discriminated against the majorities. Maybe it was a business decision?

  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    If this was the first time Donald Sterling said or did something racist, then one could argue that it could all have been a misunderstanding. However, Donald Sterling has a long record of not just SAYING racist things but DOING racist things. He was fined the LARGEST amount in DoJ history for housing discrimination against African American and Latino people.

    I would like to have been the fly on the wall. I do not know the specifics but in California the minorities are whites. So he discriminated against the majorities. Maybe it was a business decision?


  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    OP enjoys talking to himself too much.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    If this was the first time Donald Sterling said or did something racist, then one could argue that it could all have been a misunderstanding. However, Donald Sterling has a long record of not just SAYING racist things but DOING racist things. He was fined the LARGEST amount in DoJ history for housing discrimination against African American and Latino people.

    I would like to have been the fly on the wall. I do not know the specifics but in California the minorities are whites. So he discriminated against the majorities. Maybe it was a business decision?



  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    OP enjoys talking to himself too much.

    no just trying to get all the ostriches to get their head out of the ground.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    " The idea of "Uncle Tom" is based on a flawed assumption that there is only one way to respond to oppression, which assumes that there is some single shared experience of all members of a marginalized community. It denies the complexity of the experience of being a member of an underrepresented community and reduces it to a monolithic experience. It is reductive and perpetuates bias against those in the community. It's ironic that "Uncle Tom" refers to a person willing to participate in their own oppression, because the use of the term itself does just that."

    That's fine but its still not as bad as what Donald Sterling said. To equate the two is pretty stupid.
    You are right.
    One was said by a billionare business man and the other was said by a member of our national leadership.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Condi Rice and Powell were both called Oreos by the left. What has been said about Mia Love by the left is not printable. Same goes for Michelle Malkin. Why should this be any different? It is also not the first time for something like this aimed at Thomas. I have always said the left is more racist then the right, they just use it as a campaign issue to fire up their low information base.
    I wish someone would call GEN. Powell an oreo to his face.
    I am willing to bet that would would go something like this:
    "Mr Powell, you are nothing but an oreACK!!!!!" (thud)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.

    Pretty much my feelings on the matter.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.

    Pretty much my feelings on the matter.

    yeah, I gotta go with this as well.

    Activists these days are too busy having an agenda on either side of the fence to actually care to make any meaningful change. Instead they rest on the laurels of the activists that came before them and spout rhetoric. Nobody does anything meaningful unless it is to sell a book, get on TV or to control damage caused by someone else wanting to sell a book or get on TV.
  • aldenxnedla
    aldenxnedla Posts: 26 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of backlash for this, especially because I'm white, but I'll take it.

    Racism is a serious issue, no matter what race you are. It's hurt a lot of people, some more deeply than others, and unfortunately it's never going to not exist. It's not socially, politically, or psychologically possible for it to not exist. The more aware we are of it, the better, but not a single person on this planet can say with complete honesty that he or she has never been guilty of it, in some form, whatever the degree, at one point or another, even if they never voiced it out loud. I'm not denying it on my part, nor am I saying that I agree with it or that it's right. It's just the truth. The most racist thing a person can say, in my mind, is that there is no racism.

    That being said, it's "hot-button" issues like this - an isolated, or even not-so-isolated, incident, of someone, or in this case, 2 people, who hold a great deal of power and authority themselves - that are used to blow up the media and distract everyone from the actual problems that are and have been going on in this country for a very, very long time. Our healthcare system is virtually bankrupt. The unemployment rate is slowly declining, but it's still at an unacceptable high. Hunger, disease, and poverty, which most people naively believe to be the problems of 3rd-world countries, occur on a surprisingly large scale right here in the US. And yes, racism is a factor in a lot of these issues, but that's just the point - THESE are the levels that we really need to be concerned about, not high-powered politicians exchanging petty words with one another. If racism really is an issue that hits home for you, try looking at the REAL harm that it's doing in this country - in other words, to people who are not in a strong enough financial or authoritative position to fight back, no matter how badly they want to.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm trying so damned hard to care even a fraction as much as you, OP, about this whole thing.

    But whether a black politician is racist and people don't care, or a white basketball team owner is racist and people do care . . . I just . . . I can't.

    I don't give even the littlest damn. I'm so, so sorry.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.

    Or people like the OP just lob hand grenades and try to claim it's a stab at a conversation. I'm sure he truly weeps for the oppression that Clarence Thomas must feel when labeled an uncle Tom. In his next thread he'll claim that racism doesn't exist anymore.....well, except for the horrific prejudice that people of color use to wield injustice against the "white minority", and each other , of course.

    When someone wishes to have a real conversation, I'm always available. And sometimes reasonable. But this thread is just the same, lame, tired, bullspit. Since this attempt at a grenade was a dud, sit back and watch the OP try harder next time with his Campaign to Inflame
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.

    Or people like the OP just lob hand grenades and try to claim it's a stab at a conversation. I'm sure he truly weeps for the oppression that Clarence Thomas must feel when labeled an uncle Tom. In his next thread he'll claim that racism doesn't exist anymore.....well, except for the horrific prejudice that people of color use to wield injustice against the "white minority", and each other , of course.

    When someone wishes to have a real conversation, I'm always available. And sometimes reasonable. But this thread is just the same, lame, tired, bullspit. Since this attempt at a grenade was a dud, sit back and watch the OP try harder next time with his Campaign to Inflame

    Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know and can only speak for myself. I see some pretty intense rhetoric in the forums regularly, and it's not just race and gender issues, though those do seem to rile us all up the most. Maybe it's because these go to the very heart of our personal identities and are not something we can change. I'm no more responsible for my race than you are for yours. And while I've been accused repeatedly in here of denying my "white privilege" no one here was around when I got the **** kicked out of me growing up for being "white" or having a "Jew nose" or the repeated sarcastic comments I've received even in my professional experience from being from Florida and "The South."

    I'm of the opinion that there has to be a balance between openly and honestly admitting the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and recognizing that individuals bring a variety of ethnic backgrounds and experiences with them to this conversation. And while I think the impact of "reverse" racism is far less than the massive historical impact of slavery and Jim Crow that is certainly still felt today, it does not make it right.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I wish honest and open conversations were possible, but they're not. A level headed and multi-faceted approach fits neither the narrative of the far left or the far right, and moderates are out of fashion these days.

    Or people like the OP just lob hand grenades and try to claim it's a stab at a conversation. I'm sure he truly weeps for the oppression that Clarence Thomas must feel when labeled an uncle Tom. In his next thread he'll claim that racism doesn't exist anymore.....well, except for the horrific prejudice that people of color use to wield injustice against the "white minority", and each other , of course.

    When someone wishes to have a real conversation, I'm always available. And sometimes reasonable. But this thread is just the same, lame, tired, bullspit. Since this attempt at a grenade was a dud, sit back and watch the OP try harder next time with his Campaign to Inflame

    Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know and can only speak for myself. I see some pretty intense rhetoric in the forums regularly, and it's not just race and gender issues, though those do seem to rile us all up the most. Maybe it's because these go to the very heart of our personal identities and are not something we can change. I'm no more responsible for my race than you are for yours. And while I've been accused repeatedly in here of denying my "white privilege" no one here was around when I got the **** kicked out of me growing up for being "white" or having a "Jew nose" or the repeated sarcastic comments I've received even in my professional experience from being from Florida and "The South."

    I'm of the opinion that there has to be a balance between openly and honestly admitting the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and recognizing that individuals bring a variety of ethnic backgrounds and experiences with them to this conversation. And while I think the impact of "reverse" racism is far less than the massive historical impact of slavery and Jim Crow that is certainly still felt today, it does not make it right.

    I wish people would stop using the term 'reverse' racism. It's not a thing and it makes my brain twitch every time I read/see it. It is a term that makes no sense in the context it's used in, as the reverse of racism is surely not 'racism from minority groups'. I don't know who thought up that term, as if racism against whites is some special thing that needs its own special phrases, but they should have done a better job stringing words together.

    And with that I'll be ambling back out because stupid thread is stupid and I'm loathe to actually comment on the topic at hand. Because stupid.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    OP enjoys talking to himself too much.

    no just trying to get all the ostriches to get their head out of the ground.

    I agree
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