Does anyone elses gym have a cardio cinema in it....Edge fitness in Meriden CT does ...its pretty cool for anyone who doesnt know what that is is a movie theater with cardio equipment...they play a different movie each day
these pretzels are making me thirsty
Or let me guess your type is Barbie......that makes my skin crawl....I seem to hear it once a week why is your type barbie when your in shape or work out? no I like curves from squatting and deadlifting thank you very much single scene is rough one at times :)
back In the right spot.... take a dumbell off the rack and step back so everyone can use the rest of them..... before you go and strip all the wieghts off the bar look around someone might be using it....empty bar ,,,,not being used...wieghts on bar look around.... its not rocket science....jeez rant over ...thank you
I dont really understand this. I am way below my daily goal ....I thought that was the idea but as I look at Diaries that is telling me something different....I dont have a ton of wieght to lose....10 more pounds maybe 15