I'm in shape, I work out almost everyday, and I watch what I eat. I always update my diary and make sure I don't go over anything. I always want to splurge and have an unhealthy meal, but I see so many things that just aren't healthy because I see the way they're prepared and it's not good. Or I just don't eat out as much…
I'm a server at a restaurant and I usually work from 4-close (which usually is about 11 pm). That leaves me no time for an actual dinner or any time for a healthy snack. What is something healthy that I can eat that will fill me up? Usually I do peanut butter with an apple, or a bowl of cheerios. Is that ok?
My mother is drinking and buying a lot of soy milk (vanilla and chocolate flavored). I have grown to like this and I'm searching the web on if it's healthy or not. I'm seeing both positive and negative things... Help me! Thank you!
Hey everybody! Found this out through my iPod Touch. Seems pretty interesting and I will continue to watch what I'm eating. Although I am not trying to lose weight, I am trying to get a toner body and a more solid core. I just need to push myself that extra mile to give myself more definition. I will help to support…