

  • Thanks everyone. And I have those splurge days and go out with people. But if it's a late night dinner where we go to McD's, I usually wind up just eating an apple and just hanging with friends. I guess my problem is, I have a fear of gaining weight and becoming fat. It's very bad actually. Maybe I should go see a doctor…
  • When you start eating healthy and right, you will have HUGE cravings for everything healthy. The way I look at it, every two weeks I'll have a "fat kid day" and just go out and order something relatively unhealthy. I just make sure I get back on track!! And don't overdue it. Just watch your portion size. I haven't had fast…
  • If you ever have any questions, there are thousands of people ready to answer you!
    in Hi i'm new Comment by Tyscheff June 2011
  • I went to two bbq's in a row in two days and pigged out on hotdogs and hamburgers. It's okay to get off track for a few days and splurge, otherwise you're not working for anything. Also, it's ok if you don't log for a few days. Just make sure for those days you still watch what you eat and how much you eat.
  • If you have any questions just ask! You'll always get awesome replies and answers!
  • Haha, this is awesome! I live in Maryland too and it is RIDICULOUS. It gets up to 90, PLUS we usually have at LEAST 80% humidity each day...it's kind of crazy. Thank you for the laugh
  • Sodium is an essential after a work-out. Why? Honestly, I don't know but I know that it is important, as well as some sugar and proteins. You should aim to keep your sodium to a max of 2200mg a day. Sodium = salt. Remember, if you add a lot of salt, it just taking away the purpose of a healthy food (vegetables, etc.) Also,…
  • I don't have a problem with regular milk at all! I just would like to mix it up sometimes
  • Never. They are so unhealthy! Plus, about 90% of the people who took those diet pills will regain back their weight (plus some) within 5 years after taking the medication
  • Chocolate Milk is the BEST thing for you after a workout! It has a great source of protein and replenishes your sugar levels to a healthy level!
  • Good luck to you too! And remember to always ask questions if you have any or just want some motivational support! We're all here for one thing...to get in shape and be healthy!!
    in Hi Guys Comment by Tyscheff April 2011
  • I did insanity for 2 weeks, but then lost motivation because I have no motivation to work-out inside my house. I definitely felt the results coming in because I was so sore! It really just depends on how much effort you put into the video. If you actually try and "dig deep" like he tells you to, you WILL see results. It…
  • I usually replace the number with what the treadmill says, I feel like it better matches because it calculates by the weight and age that you put into the system. But it's really up to you! Best of luck!
  • They are very comfortable! But every type is cut different. The only way to determine if you are going to like them or not is if you go to the store and try them on. Everyone is different, but it is a total different feel when you run with them
  • Keep up the good work guys! Remember, you have to push yourself to get in shape. This is something that you need to be ready for, not something that you can just pick up on any day. But I'm glad to see that there is motivation involved! Summer is just around the corner and remember, no matter what you'll always be…