Hello, I haven't been on this site much since I honestly kind of forgot about it and had so much going on in my life. So when I first got on here, I weighed in at 180 and for someone as small as me (5'0) it was heartbreaking for me. I never thought that I would weigh that much. All my life I've been on the overweight side…
so i really would like to have a buddy tell me what their personal goals are, their food journals, their workout routine, and just a support buddy. i would be happy to share my stuff too and would like to hear how far you guys have come so maybe i could get the motivation to actually get up everyday and eat right and work…
So I just recently found out about this "3 Day Military Diet" and searched up as much as I could for some success stories. Almost every woman I saw talking about it said they didn't really reach the -10 pound mark, but lost about 4-8 pounds. Although when a friend of mine told me about her experience (she was well over 200…