I'll do great with my eating until the week before my period, then bam! I'm craving sugar like crazy, I'm constantly hungry, and have very little to no control over caving to my cravings and over eating. Does anyone have any tips or ideas that they use to help counteract pms cravings? I used to get extremely moody and…
I started on the South Beach diet for the second time in my life and I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there doing it to.
On one of my running forums a lot of people were talking about green smoothies for breakfast. It adds extra veggies to your diet, and apparently if you make it right, you can't even taste the green veggie that's in it. I would very much like to try this, just wondering if anyone has any favorite recipes. There are lots of…
I'm pretty new around here. I've steadily gained since I quit smoking two years ago, despite the fact that I took up running. I have some GI issues and food sensitivities so my diet is already a challenge. I saw a nutritionist and have some new ideas and things to work on. Sugar. That's my biggest problem area. I'm also…