Inspiring: 61 year old swimming from Cuba to US
Awesome Free 10 Minute Workouts!
Check them out! There's kickboxing, step aerobics and abs/core workouts! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z5rjea-f9w&playnext=1&list=PL0D1B8D1A55C3454B I just did the Beginner Kickboxing! It was great!
Interesting Article - Top Ten Nutrition Myths
Just Dance Games
Which is the best of the Just Dance games Just Dance 1, Just Dance 2, or Just Dance Summer Party?
How many ounces are in a cup of ______?
I often find myself measuring out my food in cups and then needing to log the food in grams or ounces. I just found this great website that show conversions of different foods from cups to grams and ounces. Hope this helps someone! http://www.recipes4us.co.uk/us_cups_to_weight.htm#M
Free Zumba Routine!
Hello! I just wanted to share this YouTube playlist I made in case anyone was looking to do some Zumba for free. I have been doing in on the Wii and will continue to because it is very fun but I also thought it would be really cool to dance to some songs that I like/already know. The playlist has 11 songs and in total is…
Can A Feminist Diet?
CAN A FEMINIST DIET? by Kjerstin Gruys from http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2011/07/14/can-a-feminist-diet/ Please welcome guest blogger Kjerstin Gruys. Gruys is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Sociology Department at UCLA where she’s writing her dissertation on clothing size standards in the fashion industry. At her blog, A…
Can Too Much Cardio Decrease Your Metabolism?
A great article that I found at: http://www.burnthefatblog.com/archives/2011/04/cardio-and-metabolism.php Adding more cardio to your exercise regimen will only help increase your fat loss right? If all else remains equal, the answer is usually yes: more calories burned = bigger calorie deficit = more fat loss. However, if…
Need advice to help with a very destructive dog...
This has nothing to do with MFP but my Golden Retriever, JoJo, is almost going to be a year old. We we are at home she is the sweetest dog. She doesn't bite, listens, is friendly with everyone and doesn't chew on or mess with things she is not supposed to. However, when we leave she destroys everything. She tears up paper,…
Sitting is Killing You!