Hi, Do most of the calories in a pizza come from the cheese? I'm talking about a regular crust, vegetarian pizza.
Background info: I returned from China after a year long stay exactly one month ago. I moved back into my mum's home while I was looking for place to rent. I've found a place I will start renting in 2 weeks and move out. I lost one stone (14lbs) while out there. Issue: I've gained half a stone (7lbs) in this one month! I'm…
Hi all, I'm planning on moving to China for 9 months. I'm worried that while there I won't be as informed about what's going in my stomach and will gain weight. Also I've heard a lot of the food there is fried..is this right? Also rice is a staple food and everytime i eat rice I bloat like crazy, really painful. Any…
Hi, I recently purchased a heart rate monitor which i thought also included a calorie count (it doesn't). Is there a reliable website or app somebody can recommend, where I could input my heart rate etc and it would give me a good estimate of how many calories I have burned? I came across this one:…