My grocery time is usually Saturday or Sunday For budget friendly options - Aldi's has great produce, gluten free, and protein options Protein Meats Dairy Eggs Boneless skinless chicken breast Yogurt Whey Protein Powder Chicken Sausage CHEESE! Turkey Sausage Ribs for Monday sugar free pudding Grass fed Beef Almond milk or…
Something fun to try that my co-worker and I started Every bathroom break - do about 10 lunges - so drink lots of water/tea It adds up and extra calorie burn by the end of the day!
Best fitness tracker for someone that does circuit training and HIIT and go....
Stay focused though its going to be hard Get that image in your head as you go to cook outs this weekend. Keep that result in your mind. When you eat think of a triangle on your plate, in three sections, those are your meat, veggie, and okay probably a carb. Log everything! Some recipes to consider fruit kabobs - you can…
Hi everyone! My name is Angela - and I am here to help motivate you to be the best you can be! We are all in this together. I am a mother of three who just a few years ago I started the weight watcher program through work and made my goal weight - 50lbs down - in 3 months. I have maintained that goal but stopped seeing…