Sitting all day=super death in the face
Hey y'all- My friends and family keep sending around these articles about how sitting all day will take yeeeeeears off your life and make you all morbidly obese mega death, but honestly...I have a desk job! I have to sit all day! I get in a half hour of cardio at the gym at lunchtime every day, and I try to stretch as…
Best use of 30 minutes?
Hey y'all- I've been working out at lunch every weekday, which has been awesome. Usually, I will do some kind of low-impact cardio like a high intensity interval program on the elliptical, and sneak in a day or two of weight training as well just to shake things up. What I'm wondering is, since I have about 30 minutes to…
When you fall off the wagon...
Ok fitness pals, what do you do when you've had a bad day? I'm talkin' double your daily calorie allowance, no work-out, lazy on the couch, snack food galore, rock bottom off the wagon. Since I've been working out almost every day and being ever vigilant about every little thing that goes in my mouth, it gets harder and…
Best complex carb-heavy foods?
Hey y'all. I've recently started a significantly more strenuous exercise routine than my super sedentary butt is used to, and since I'm mildly hypoglycemic my doc told me to make sure I get in plenty of complex carbs. What are the best foods I can eat that are low in fat, but have enough complex carbs to carry me through…