White Chocolate and Caraway Seed Muffins 115 cals
After rejecting many a low calorie muffin recipe because they just didn't taste 'right', I came up with these babies! <img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5266/5747483664_c4b00ddf2d_m.jpg"/> 115 calories each and still taste satisfyingly cake-y! 2 cups plain/ all purpose flour 2/3 cup sugar 1 tbsp baking soda 1/2 teasp…
Sag Aloo curry and low fat alternative to paratha (for india
(edited to say the title should read 'Sag Aloo curry and low fat alternative to paratha (for indian take away lovers!') I am a take away curry addict so rather than use up all my day's calories in one sitting (however tempting), I just adapted a low fat version of Sag Aloo, and my favourite Indian bread (which is usually…
Vegetarian Bake - 286 cals
Hello all, I have been on MFP for about a month now and it is really helping me to be able to calculate the calories in everything I cook. I am a real fussy eater so tend to make a lot of my meals from scratch and thought I would start sharing the recipes. This Vegetarian Bake is inspired by the classic hot pot with sliced…