B12 or Fish Oil?
I have been reading that Vitamin b12 and Fish Oil are known to aid in weight loss. Thoughts? Does anyone take either of these?
I have yet to purchase a scale. I have entered my info on here based on my last doctor visit, which has been a few months. I'm going to be getting a scale in a few days and I am wondering what's going to happen to all of my info? Can I change it all without completely resetting or making a new account?
Okay, so I do have high blood pressure, but it's been under control for quite a long time with medication. (Hopfully I won't need it soon!) My problem is that my legs, feet and ankles are swelling. They are great in the morning and an hour or so later I can tell that they are different. By the end of the day they are…
Free Workout Videos
I've been using an awesome website to do my workouts everyday. There are so many categories and many different trainers. Everyone is sure to find something they like! I love it! www.exercisetv.tv
To weigh or not to weigh?
To be perfectly honest with you, I haven't weighed myself in about a year. I know that my weight has stayed about the same since then, so that's how I was able to enter my info into this site. I don't own any scales and when I go to the doctor, which has even been a while for me, I always tell the nurse who weighs me to…
All About Me!
Hi everyone! My name is Missy. I'm almost 33 years old and I have two sons, ages 10 and 6. I guess I will begin by saying that I've been overweight for most of my life. At this point I need to lose about half of my body weight. It seems to be an overwhelming task, but it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time.…