Have you inspired others to exercise?
Just by setting an example, people seeing your progress... have you inspired other people to get fit too? I just started running and my bf now wants to run with me (without me even asking). Some of my social media friends have started exercising more, 2 are starting C25K since I mentioned that's how I started. Just curious…
PiYo or Zumba for runner cross training?
I've been doing C25K (starting week 3!) and can't decide which to do on my active rest days... PiYo or Zumba. Right now it's random Xbox Fitness workouts on my off days but curious about doing either of the above to maximize my results. (please no Beachbody sales people :tongue: )
I can't do a proper pushup
I'm a fitness noob... I've lost some weight (yay!) but now I'd like to put the effort into getting in shape. I have very little arm/upper body strength and don't go to the gym (yet?). I do cardio exercises via Xbox Fitness and have no equipment. I feel like my legs are strong but my arms are pathetic. Do I need actual…
Skinny ***** Diet.. anyone else doing this?
Since I decided to switch to a plant based diet, I found that the Skinny B**** Diet lifestyle works best for my digestive system. Fastest digesting foods first thing and work your way to the slower digesting stuff. This way you don't stack foods that wanna move fast through the system on top of slowly digesting food. This…
Animal lover & nerd looking for healthy eating pals.
Hi my name is Amy and live in Portland OR. I've been eating a strict plant based diet since March and feel fantastic. Would love some friends to share recipes with and motivate each other. I volunteer at my local animal shelter and I'm a nerd at heart. I play video games a lot but looking to get some more exercise. Have a…