I still have that "lumpy" look?? I've clearly lost some fat...do you think it might have something to do with my ribs sticking out? They've been prominent ever since I was a kid, lying down makes them look like a pair of extra boobs lol. So no I'm also not sucking my stomach in either. I know I can't change my ribs...and…
Well, I say bought...I filled up two huge mason jars with dirt. They're quite heavy. People have been telling me that weight lifting, not cardio, will help with reducing my belly fat. Since I'm not actually overweight and just want to tone up a bit. Does anybody have anyyyy recommendations of some good moves for toning…
I haven't been exercising long, about two months. I workout everyday, doing cardio and strength training. I'm what people would call "skinny fat" in that I'm thin looking with clothes on, but when you take them off I'm lumpy in all the wrong places. Anyway, for the past few days I've been having problems. About ten minutes…