So everyone I could use some help!!!! I have no idea how to strength train. Which muscle groups to do together?? Whats the right amount of sets and reps?? I am clueless!!! Any advice would be great I just need some pointers....
So I am doing fifty minutes of cardio a day. But I am wondering is it ok to divide it up. Like do thirty minutes before my workout and twenty after??? I just hate being on there for so long at one time but I was sure if dividing it up would be as effective.
So I slept in this morning and missed my chance to go to the gym because I have no sitter for my I am wondering what kind of things I can do around the house?? any great strength training I can do around the house??? Lemme know any great ways u know to burn cals!!!!
I could use new friends and encouragement. This is the first time I have actually tried to lose weight and been serious!!! I would love to get to know some people and get help, advice, and encouragement along the way!!!!