
So I am doing fifty minutes of cardio a day. But I am wondering is it ok to divide it up. Like do thirty minutes before my workout and twenty after??? I just hate being on there for so long at one time but I was sure if dividing it up would be as effective.


    FATGIRLFANTASY Posts: 53 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, i can't wait until someone answers this for you...
    But i think you actually get better results when you just push through and go longer.
    But i'm no expert!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    technically I longer work outs would burn more calories I think, but i'm a fan of spreading it out so you don't burn yourself out. I think in the end the difference is minimal so if you want to break it down into chunks you should :)
  • whitscalcount
    Alright thanks for the input ladies!!! :)