Just wondering if anyone has seen any research or studies that have to do with IF and pregnancy. My husband and I are going to start trying for baby #2 soon and I have been practicing IF off and on since baby #1 was born and I really like it. One of my main concerns is how does IF work-affect pregnancy. I go to the gym at…
Hey everyone! Long time logger, sporadic poster here. I have been on every side of the weight loss, eating disorder spectrum. Now I am the mother of a new baby boy, 8weeks tomorrow, but with my husband working 12-13hour days and it being stupid cold (wind chills in the -45 to -50C range) my little boy's routine is all out…
It has taken me a long time to work up the courage to finally post in here, years actually, but here it goes... So I'm not necessarily new here, I've been a lurker in these forums for years now. I have been through the motions of strict calorie counting and excessive exercise leading to an eating disorder, officially…