Can one use any of the available heart rate monitors to get an idea of calories burned while skiing? With accuracy?
I started here 7 years ago and dropped 25 lbs. to get to my goal weight. Then back again 2 years ago to lose 6 lbs. I'd gained back. Cycling, skiing and workouts have kept my weight at goal, even below, until this spring. Bad habits and staying in the gym instead of long cycle rides have led to a gain of 6 lbs. So I'm…
I recently switched gyms and the other day found myself on about the same model of Stairclimber (moving steps) but newer and with a more advanced display. Magically despite the same time spent (36 minutes) and about the same effort my calories increased from 13 per minute to 16.5. My Polar had me at 12.5. Since this about…
Looking for friends for mutual support and inspiration. If you bike, gym train, ski, hike or want to...all the better....