Anyone else out there suffer from MTHFR Defiency?
So I recently found out have MTHFR Defiency, which stands for Methyltetrahydrafolatereductase Defiency, which obviously has to do with pregnancy and the way my body absorbs folic acid... After suffering 2 miscarriages, my dr ordered extensive blood work which in turn came out with this diagnosis...I got 2 copies of the bad…
Couch to 5K question
Just finished Couch to 5k, w5d3, I finished is about all I can say...I had to take a couple of breather breaks to rehydrate and catch my breath...the question is do I push on to w6d1 or should I redo w5d3 on my next run day?
Eating your calories burned from exercise
So can someone tell me what is best...should I be eating only what calories I am given to eat or should I be eating all of my calories burned, or some of my calories burned? What is best for my weight loss? Seems like if I want to lose more I wouldn't eat those extra calories, but some say you have to eat them to…
Olive Garden...
Any one out there have an idea of what I can order at Olive Garden that is good on calories?!! What I normally order would take the whole days worth of calories and then some! Someone please tell me what I need to order!
Planning for potluck..
Every year the chuch that I am a member has an annual potluck after service on Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend...I am trying to plan ahead, but not sure how I can do that or even how I can count the calories when you don't know what is exactly in everything...does anyone have suggestions for how to handle potlucks?…
Looking to make friends from...
Anybody on here from KY? Looking to make some more friends to help hold me accountable!
Hi...new here...
I'm new to the site and am wanting to get back into shape (and I'm not meaning round, like I am now...lol) I am hoping this website will help me stay motivated...hoping to find some moral support here! Wish me luck!