Lack of IRL support
So in my day to day life outside of the internet I have little support for my weight loss. My weight loss at times has been met with disdain, hostility, dismissal and laughter. I would say it put a huge damper on my weight loss today of 1.2lbs when my friend said that MFP was stupid and what I was doing was stupid. I've…
Measuring your weight loss with no scale
As the title suggests, I don't own a scale so I can't regularly weigh myself to see how I'm doing. I get weighed periodically at my doctor's office (once every three/four months) and I do take measurements whenever I remember to (monthly/bi-monthly). Edit: Buying a scale is not an option at the moment, and I don't have the…
How much water is too much water?
I drink my water out of a glass jug that's 1.9L's. Drinking one of those a day often left me feeling thirsty still so I decided, why not another one. At almost 4L's a day, I realized that I'm consuming a lot more water without really thinking about it. I realize there is a thing called too much water, which can lead to…
I actually want to this time
Hey everyone! I'm not new to weight loss, or at least trying, but I'm new to actually wanting to lose weight. For years I felt incredibly uncomfortable with myself in ways that I didn't understand, and when people told me it was because I was fat, I couldn't agree. I instead struggled with my body in secret, turning to…
Having a lot of weight to lose and clothes
For those that have a big journey ahead of them, how do you handle your wardrobe? Do most just wait to get a lot of new clothes when they have reached their final goal? What do you do if you are limited income? I'm trying to think of what to do as my clothes get more loose as time goes on and I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm…
Long Distance Walking
Last Sunday morning after my night shift I managed to walk 7.03km all in one go, it took 2 and a half hours and it was actually really enjoyable (until I got to the 1 and a half hour mark but it was 20-30 minutes to a bus stop so I thought 'May as well keep going'). I'm thinking of trying it this Sunday again. All the…
Want to do squats, but my ankle wont bend
The title pretty much explains my situation but I'll go a bit more in depth here. A few years ago I had a major injury to my right ankle; it was a sprain but I was unable to walk for a month and have had limited range of motion ever since. Any time I squat down my right heel has to lift up because my ankle just can't move.…
Any other fellow e-cig users? I got the Eleaf iStick with a Kanger Mini ProTank 3, current flavor I've been enjoying lately is Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with a few drops of Menthol to make it nice a cool. Have been smoke free since the beginning of September thanks to e-cigs!
How to count calories when sick?
I've read that you should still count calories after throwing up, but I don't know how true this is or the most accurate way to count when ill with a stomach bug. What's a good rule of thumb?
Grossed out by loose skin
Any time I see videos or pictures of weight loss with lots of loose skin I get a bit queasy to be totally honest. At my current weight, if I loose a fair amount in any amount of time I'm probably going to have loose skin myself and honestly, the idea makes me sick. I am honestly more attracted to people who are fatter than…