So, I am rapidly becoming VERY discouraged in my weight-loss effort because I just can't afford even the simplest thing to help in my journey. I can't even buy a scale, so I can't do much to track my progress. I can't buy different foods for myself, so instead I have to settle for eating the same junk the rest of the…
I'm very new and I'm finding it utterly horrible to get past this beginning consta-hungry bit. How long did it take for you guys to start feeling fuller with less? Any tips or tricks for getting past this with my sanity intact? I have a huge paper to write but I'm too distracted by my grumbling tummy to start working on…
I know this is probably way too far down the line for me to think of, but with so much weight to lose I am sure that when I get closer to my goal I will have problems with loose skin. Is there anything I can do now to help prevent this? I'm almost scared that the loose skin will be worse than the fat (cosmetically…
Hi, I'm new here (obviously) and I joined because after being large my whole life, too busy pursuing professional and personal goals and also too complacent to change, I have decided to take charge of this aspect of my life. I am very overweight now, but I'm stubborn and persistent and I have every intnention of sticking…