As a teacher, I'm constantly surrounded my young, thin students who seem to be able to eat whatever they want and never put on weight. Since I started taking my health and weight loss seriously, I've asked my students not to eat in my classroom; I couldn't stand seeing all those half-eaten chocolate packets out on their…
I've been practicing moksha (hot) yoga 2x a week for the past month, and I've decided to try going every day for at least 8 days in a row. It would be great to have some support for this goal, so if anyone is interested in doing the same, please introduce yourself and check in often! (It doesn't have to be hot yoga that…
Hello everyone. I've been tracking my diet, eating well and exercising daily. I feel healthier, and I've noticed a tiny difference in how my clothes look, but that damn scale hasn't budged. :sad: Today I changed my food diary settings to include the amount of sugar I consume every day, and I was shocked to see that I…