Two months have passed since that eye-opening post, and I haven't binged since
I posted the post below two months ago (well, two months and a day). Somehow it feels like a lifetime ago, yet I still remember it so clearly. As I said above, I have not binged since, not even once. I have been dieting, exercising, and losing weight, but nothing too extreme. Each week I have changed aspects: first simply…
Dedicateting next year to better health
A few months ago I was going through a very rough patch as far as weight and fitness is concerned. Long story made short: I gained 30 pounds in twelve weeks, and I'm only 5ft. 2... Some binge-days were as bad as 7000 kcal. There was a lot going on in my life, I felt overwhelmed and decided that food was the best way out.…
Interesting new study on "food addiction"
The term "food-addiction" is being used more and more nowadays. I see myself as a food addict. I know how bad overeating is: it affects my health, self-esteem, work and relationships, yet for some reason I cannot stop doing it. I call myself a sugar addict, because I only really struggle with sweet foods. According to this…
Extreme binging... need advice
I've been AWOL for a while. Things got really stressfull, as they say, life got in the way... Short summery is that I've been struggling with binge eating since June, but through extreme restriction some days and overexercising on others I was able to keep the actual weight gain low. I decided this last month just to focus…
Looking for approval/ acknowledgement
Years go by so slowly and yet so fast. You tell yourself on new year's eve, that this year will be different: healthy eating, working out, enjoying life and becoming a new you. But some days are easy, and everything falls into place, but then life gets in the way, and stress, heartbreak, no time, anger, etc... get in the…
Letting stomach shrink
I suffer from binge-eating disorder. I eat very large amounts of food. It is similar to bulimia, but I never throw up/ use laxatives. I have, however overexercised, over restricted in the past. Now my stomach has become so large, that I never feel full, or maybe I'm wrong, I do feel full after I eat about the same amount…
60 DAY no binge challenge
Hi everyone. I am in pain as I write this: both physical and mental pain. The physical pain is caused by intestinal cramps and abdominal bloating. It's hard for me to find the right position in which to sit or lay down. The mental pain is a sense of disbelief, sadness, anger, and all directed towards me. The cause is binge…