Hi, simple question here. Currently trying to bulk, going to gym >4 times/week and eating a surplus. I'm off to Barcelona for a weeks holiday on Saturday, whilst I'll try and do some press-ups and chin-ups each day I won't be working out. So, should I stop running a surplus for the week I am away and not working out? Never…
So after running a deficit at around 1700 NET calories, I dropped to my desired weight and started going to the gym. I go three to four times a week, three days doing 40mins of weights (Chest/shoulders, arms, legs/core) and a kettlebell class if I make the fourth day. I still cycle commute and play sport so do do cardio…
Hi guys, First things first I'm pretty new to all this. So I've successfully lost my gut, and my weight is pretty much where I am happy. I'm currently about 16.5% body fat but would still like to drop below 15%, preferably down to 12% or so. I'm still running my calorie deficit at ~1700 calories currently, but trying to…
Ok fitness types. What's the best way to measure body fat yourself? I'd like to incorporate it as a metric regarding my weight loss and toning. I have a set of Salter scales which are meant to measure Body Fat% but I stopped using as them (for this) as they would always give me a reading of above 50% which is miles away…