Hey guys! I am a 15 years old.whose life is ruined because.of.stretch marks and i sleep crying everyday because of it .. So please tell me does bio oil and panthenol cream and vitamen E&A and collagen and elastin cream work for stretch marks to fade alittle.if i used all of those creams and do scrub weekly? I am ready to…
Hello, I just started insanity and I am thinking about doing cardio 4 days and strength training two days besides insanity .. I do insanity in the evening ,, so what do you think if I do cardio in the morning and then do insanity in the evening will that speed up my progress and make me lose more weight????
Hello, i am new here.. i am a 16 years old girl from Egypt .. i used to weight 90 kgs and i am 74 kg now .. i lost this weight by dieting and do random workouts like 4 times a months... Actually i am a quitter/cowerd because i lost this weight in a very long time which other could have done better than me and reached their…