please help! #Stretch_Marks

Hey guys! I am a 15 years old.whose life is ruined because.of.stretch marks and i sleep crying everyday because of it .. So please tell me does bio oil and panthenol cream and vitamen E&A and collagen and elastin cream work for stretch marks to fade alittle.if i used all of those creams and do scrub weekly? I am ready to be patient for months or years but stretch marks just fade even alittle bit ... I lost 30 lbs amd still30 to go ... Please help!


  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Once you have stretch marks they don't go away, they'll only fade to a lighter color. It's your skin ripping, that can't be fixed. Don't waste your money.
  • oct0pus
    oct0pus Posts: 9
    What leah said, stretch marks aren't that bad. I have them, my mom has them, so many people have them. You need to not hate yourself over it. It's something you can't really fix.