HELP! will Insanity realy work for me and my goals?

Hello, i am new here.. i am a 16 years old girl from Egypt .. i used to weight 90 kgs and i am 74 kg now .. i lost this weight by dieting and do random workouts like 4 times a months... Actually i am a quitter/cowerd because i lost this weight in a very long time which other could have done better than me and reached their goal body..... so, i have been cheating but i decided to get back on track because i have along weight to go about 16 kg to lose .. so i have been searcing for the most effective workouts for weightloss and i found INSANITY and downloaded it .. so i need to lose in the next two months about 10 kg/20lbs .. is insanity whats fits my goal? Or its better to do more cardio and some strength training for two hours a day .. and if insanity is better but wont satisfy me on scale do i have to do some cardio besides to lose more weight? ... And about food insanity diet plan told me to eat about 1800cls and i find it ALOT because i lost those weight by eating 800:1200 cls... Sorry for my bad english and my long pragraph.


  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    It depends on if your goal is losing weight or looking good, insanity will shed the inches, but not necessarily the pounds.

    If you want the best results then you should be following the diet plan as well, you're going to be burning more calories so will need to take more on to be able to function.

    Eating any less than 1200 net calories is not good for you and is not a healthy eating plan, insanity can burn off up to 500 calories, if you're only eating between 800-1200 calories, that's leaving you with a net calorie intake of 300-700 calories which will not sustain you (your heart is a muscle that will use 200 calories a day to work).

    You need to look at your eating and number of calories required before undertaking something as physically demanding as insanity.