Does anyone know why MFP doesn't calculate calories burned for strength training? I'm doing more of this at the moment because I am rehabilitating my knee after surgery and have noticed that MFP only seems to count cardio... although you can log some strength activities. Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a reason…
What are everyone's new years resolutions for 2013? Here are a few of mine: 1. Keep studying and pass my exams/assignments 2. Work out every week day morning 3. Get back to karate training 4. Pay off my debt 5. Get my dive ticket 6. Spend lots of quality time with family & friends 7. Be happy with myself 8. Read 12 new…
Hi everyone, My parents and sister-in-law say the Dukan diet is awesome and they lose a lot of weight quickly. They swear by it and honestly are looking fantastic. I'm just wondering if anyone else has done it and what they've thought of it... Is it hard to keep up? Did you feel healthy? Did you lose weight? etc etc...…
Hi everyone! I woke up super sick this morning with a bad cold, conjunctivitis and swollen glands :( I'm looking for some good recipe idea's that will help me get better and are easy to make... I'm thinking maybe soup? It's winter here in NZ. Anyone got anything good they eat when they're sick? Thanks :)